
Longevity Hackers: A Documentary Debuts on How to Stop Aging

Documentary featuring leading experts and celebrity biohackers streams on Apple TV and Amazon

Longevity HackersLongevity Hackers

Longevity Hackers, an in-depth look at how to slow the human pace of aging, debuts on Apple TV and Amazon beginning December 4, 2024. Produced by Ruben Figueres, directed by Michal Siewierski, and narrated by Academy Award nominee, Edward Norton, the film revolutionizes outdated cultural conceptions and beliefs about aging and offers a behind-the-scenes look at the breakthrough science and biohacking secrets that are adding not just years but healthy, fulfilled years to our lifespan.

“This is probably the most important topic of our generation,” says featured voice Steve Aoki.

Historically, the pairing of aging and disease has been regarded as an inevitability. Today, as the American life expectancy wanes, we enter a new era. Major advancements in longevity research and technology have enabled humans to significantly slow the biological pace of aging by addressing its root causes. By solving for the degenerative changes that come with aging, and removing them from the aging process, most diseases would be eliminated.

Michal Siewierski cites Artificial Intelligence as a major factor: “The irruption of AI technology in the medical field will increase exponentially the speed of the advances. Things that seemed like science fiction a few years ago, are becoming a reality now.”

Hear from Tony Robbins, Mark Cuban, Steve Aoki, Peter Diamandis, Dr. Morgan Levine, Tony Hawk, Chris Bumstead, John Salley, Wim Hof, Chris Mirabile, and other notable voices in the longevity and biohacking community as they share powerful insights and personal regimens to optimize health and add years to your life.

The global longevity market is estimated to reach $610B by 2025 and investment in personal health and wellness remains a top priority. Longevity Hackers demystifies the root causes of aging across exercise, nutrition, recovery, stress management, mental health, and more. Viewers learn about the relationship between sleep and metabolic systems, the dramatic impact joy and purpose in life have on health, and how to track your longevity via biological age testing.


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“Biological age is becoming the premier biomarker of our health,” said Chris Mirabile, biohacker and biotech CEO of NOVOS. “The best way to keep track of your lifestyle being conducive to longevity is with a biological age clock, specifically one that’s been proven to be both accurate and precise.”

Aging will look starkly different for current and future generations. Science has shown that only 10% to 20% of lifespan is based on genetics, while lifestyle choices determine the rest. This film will empower humans to take their lives into their own hands by equipping them with the knowledge to do so.

“No matter where you are from, or what your beliefs are, we can all agree that life is a gift that should be cherished,” said Edward Norton. “The people working in the longevity and life extension fields want to extend that gift to humanity.”

‘The Longevity space is growing rapidly. Aging affects every person, regardless of race, religion, political orientation, or any other factors. The fight against aging is something that could unite humanity for a common goal,” said producer Ruben Figueres.

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