Launch a Research Project on Lifespan.io
We support the decentralized science (DeSci) movement, which aims to increase scientific funding, free knowledge from silos, and cut out profit-motivated intermediaries, such as publisher conglomerates that lock scientific data behind paywalls. This is why we launched our own crowdfunding platform in 2015, which specifically supports aging and rejuvenation research.
On Lifespan.io, researchers can launch projects related to longevity or age-related diseases and receive funds from contributors to fulfill their goals. Contributors, in turn, are able to exercise agency in the development of potentially life-changing research and to receive rewards specified by the project creators. This works in a similar way to Kickstarter and other, similar systems, only in this case, the funds go to aging and rejuvenation research.
Why launch a project on Lifespan.io?
- Active Support – We care about the success of and will actively support every project on our site; you won’t just be one in a crowd. As we grow, the fruits of our success will be focused on furthering our shared mission.
- Focused Audience – Centralizing longevity-related crowdfunding efforts within a single hub builds a strong community of informed contributors that can participate in crowdsourcing efforts as well.
- Tax Receipts – Because we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and fiscally sponsor all project donations, contributors will automatically receive a tax receipt for donations made to your project.
Interested in working with us?
There is a lot of preparation needed before applying for and launching a research fundraising campaign on Lifespan.io. If you are interested in lauching a fundraising campaign, then please read carefully through each of the sections below to make sure you are ready.