A Knowledge Hub for Longevity Biotech Finance
The worlds of aging research, biotechnology, finance and investment are rapidly colliding to drive progress forwards. Here you will find news and educational articles relating to these subjects to help you get an overview of the field in the context of financial issues.
Telling Genuine DAOs and Scams Apart
DAOs can be effective organizational structures. According to the latest figures, the total treasury of all DAOs (registered) is around […]
Bounties Within the DAO Ecosystem
Bounties are not a new concept in the tech world. They have long been used as tools by organizations to reward individuals or groups for completing tasks. GitHub, PayPal, Google, Uber, and Shopify are among the most famous bug bounty […]
What a Deal Flow Means for a DAO
DAOs don’t just fund every proposal that appears before them, as they are accountable to their voting members. Much like a regular investment fund, though not all DAOs are investment funds, they undergo a defined process called a deal […]
Bio.xyz: a DAO for Building Other Biotech DAOs
It’s only been a couple of months since Molecule announced the formation of its latest DAO project, bio.xyz, to the world. However, the newly formed DAO is already active in the DeSci […]
CureDAO and Its Mission
Every day, 1.134 trillion megabytes of data are created. As that trajectory continues its upward trend, it presents both never-before-seen risk and potential. Although cyber criminals are often quick to exploit the vulnerabilities of available data resources, organizations such […]
What Is Gitcoin and What Does It Mean for Longevity?
Gitcoin is an online platform that provides the digital community with an opportunity to work on open-source software projects for pay. Additionally, the […]

What Is a POAP and Why Does It Matter?
Some people store tickets as keepsakes; others hold onto other mementos, such as t-shirts, magnets, small metallic pins, or souvenirs of having visited a particular place at a particular time. A […]
Designing a DAO: Insight from the VitaDAO Team
DAOs are relatively new forms of organizations that use blockchain technology to function in a decentralized, autonomous way. Like traditional […]
How DAOs Balance Decentralized Decisions and Efficiency
It’s often said that too many cooks in the kitchen can spoil the soup. Transferring this notion of too many voices to the DAO, it begs the question: how does […]
Biotechnology DAOs for Facilitating Development
Biotechnology is an area within the science sector that focuses on therapies and other products that relate to living organisms. The term refers to any practical application of life-focused sciences, so it refers to many disciplines and advancements outside the […]
What Makes a DAO Trustworthy?
DAOs, decentralized autonomous organizations, date back to 2015/2016 with the creation of Slock.it, a German start-up that soon became known as ‘The DAO’ or Genesis DAO. Created to support future Web 3.0 projects, The DAO […]
A Look at VitaDAO’s Governance and Structure
In a DAO, the concept of governance remains the same as in a conventional corporation or government, although it differs in how it fulfills its […]
How Does VitaDAO’s Decision Making Process Work?
DAOs have multiple options for decision making. Token-weight quorum voting works by having thresholds that proposals must pass to be accepted. Liquid democracy allows voters to delegate their votes to other parties to vote on their […]
How Does DAO Decentralization Work?
DAOs are decentralized autonomous organizations and part of the wider Web3 infrastructure. They operate on a global scale by gathering like-minded people to form communities. Through a DAO, individuals and groups collaborate in a decentralized and […]
How Web3 Infrastructure Influences Longevity Research Funds
Since it was first described in the early 90s by Stuart Haber and Scott Stornetta, blockchain technology has evolved relatively quickly. From […]
Why Is VitaDAO a DAO, and What Does This Mean in Practice?
A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is an organization or platform that is operated independently from a centralized organization or government. It works via a transparent computer program coded with the rules of […]
Finding a DAO Voting Protocol Fit for Purpose
In traditional companies, top-level decisions are usually made by a board or the C-level team in a top-down manner. Alternatives do exist, such […]
What Is LabDAO and How Does It Work?
LabDAO is a DeSci (decentralized science) organization that is focused on the execution layer of the scientific process. It intends to bridge the gap between the stages of funding scientific research and distributing it. By connecting scientific researchers using […]
Topic Index
A | G | M | S | Y |
B | H | N | T | Z |
C | I | O | U | |
D | J | P | V | |
E | K | Q | W | |
F | L | R | X |
- Decentralized Science (DeSci) Organizations and how they work
- Designing a DAO: Insight from the VitaDAO Team
- Decentralized Organizations (DAOs)
- VitaDAO’s Governance and Structure
- VitaDAO’s Decision Making Process
- VitaDAO is a DAO but What Does This Mean in Practice?
- Voting Protocol in a DAO
- Web3 Infrastructure and how it Influences Longevity Research Funds
- What Is an NFT and How Do They Work?
- What Makes a DAO Trustworthy?