May 24, 2023
In a recent paper published in International Journal of Medical Sciences, researchers have described how they used artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to find mTOR-inhibiting molecules [1]. mTOR is a common target for lifespan extension interventions The mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a well-known molecule in the rejuvenation world. Previous studies have demonstrated...
October 08, 2021
We take a look at rapamycin and why some researchers think it could be useful in combating aging. What is rapamycin? Rapamycin is a macrolide, a class of antibiotic that includes erythromycin, roxithromycin, azithromycin, and clarithromycin. Rapamycin exhibits potent antitumor and immunosuppressive activity. Where is rapamycin found? Rapamycin was first discovered in 1972 in the...
August 10, 2021
In a study published in Aging, Chinese researchers have described how they used computer modeling in order to create a new rapalog that is designed to reduce the long-term impact of stroke. Reperfusion injury, autophagy, and mTORC1 Stroke and other ischemic events, such as heart attack, occur when a blockage causes blood to stop flowing...
February 02, 2020
The January edition of Journal Club, hosted by Dr. Oliver Medvedik, took a look at the results of a recent human trial in which the drug rapamycin was used to treat skin aging with some promising results. We would like to ask you a small favor. We are a non-profit foundation, and unlike some other...
November 18, 2019
ResTORbio announced on Friday 15th that its current phase 3 drug trial for respiratory tract infections did not achieve its primary goal. The drug showed promise in earlier phases of testing, but sadly failed to reduce the incidence of respiratory tract infections in patients aged 65 and above. A setback for RTB101 This news has...
April 16, 2019
Rapamycin is a promising anti-aging therapeutic derived from a bacterium that was first found on Easter Island (it's named for Rapa Nui, the official name of Easter Island). It inhibits mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin), thus inhibiting the immune system response that would, in some cases, lead to organ rejection. This is the on-label, FDA-approved...