January 10, 2022
A significant debate has originated regarding the inclusion of MG2A, a code for old age, in the ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics. What is the ICD-11? The 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, which goes into effect this month, is managed by the World Health Organization. Its stated purpose is twofold: allows...
April 26, 2021
By the year 2050, one in four Europeans will be aged 65 or over, which presents a number of challenges and possible opportunities for Europe’s rapidly aging society. To this end, the European Commission published the "Green paper on ageing - Fostering solidarity and responsibility between generations" back in January to encourage a broad policy...
May 08, 2020
Few things in aging research are ever straightforward, and today's topic is no exception, as two researchers enjoy some back and forth regarding whether and how the World Health Organization (WHO) should recognize the aging processes as a disease. Proposing a new framework to facilitate development of rejuvenation therapies Back in November 2019, an international...
May 05, 2020
We had the opportunity to interview Daria Khaltourina about a review written by her team, which recommended giving aging its own disease classification in the ICD-11. Back in 2018, an international group of scientists filed a proposal with the World Health Organization to introduce aging as a disease in the new iteration of the International...
November 04, 2019
A new publication by an international team of scientists has proposed a new healthcare framework to help older people stay healthier for longer by improving the development of therapies that target age-related diseases. Society is aging, and we need to change healthcare for the better This new publication urges World Health Organization (WHO), governments, and...
August 31, 2018
We are pleased to report that lobbyists have made more progress towards classifying aging as a disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) has implemented the extension code 'Ageing-related' (XT9T) in the latest version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). The inclusion of the new code is thanks to the efforts of activists at the...