
Our Annual Reports

Our annual reports give a superb overview of the many things that our organization is doing to support the development of medical advances to support healthy life extension  and longer lives free from age-related diseases.

Annual Report 2019 Box
You can keep up to date with Lifespan.io activities and achievements by reading our 2019 annual report.
Annual Report 2020 Box
You can find out about Lifespan.io activities and achievements by reading our 2020 annual report.
Public Tax Returns Box
Annual 990 information is available for the general public to review.

You can help us to do even more

You can help support our work and allow us to do even more in the future. Below are just some of the ways you can help, and there are many more.

PayPal or Debit / Credit Card
You can donate to us with PayPal via PayPal Donation, Venmo, or our official charity page, and with a credit or debit card by clicking the Donate Now button below. If you would like a tax receipt for your donation, please email your name and the amount of your donation to [email protected].

Donate now

Donor-Advised Fund
If you work with a donor-advised fund, you can recommend a contribution to LEAF via DAFDirect
You can donate to us via Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, USDC, etc. via Coinbase here: Donate with BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, USDC, etc. or by scanning our QR codes here. If you would like a tax receipt for your donation, please email your name and the amount of your donation to [email protected].
You can donate via mail by sending your check to: Lifespan Extension Advocacy Foundation 3805 Estella St., Seaford, NY 11783, USA.