Organization Description
TAmiRNA is a biotechnology company specializing in the discovery and development of microRNA biomarkers. MicroRNA Biomarker Discovery and Development: TAmiRNA operates a research and development laboratory equipped for high-throughput screening of microRNA transcript levels in various biological samples. They have protocols for isolating microvesicles and RNA, using locked-nucleic-acid (LNA) based qPCR and next-generation sequencing technologies. The company has a particular focus on age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and liver disease.
TAmiRNA is harnessing the diagnostic potential of circulating microRNAs as indicators of tissue health and other important physiological processes. Their goal is to develop diagnostic biomarkers of aging for the treatment of age-related diseases.
Development pipeline
Collaborations with Grillari Labs and Evercyte support testing the biological function of microRNAs for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment monitoring, and drug development. They have a number of products in their development pipeline.
ToximiR is a biomarker test for identifying biomarkers of toxicity. If successful this could be a valuable tool for the evaluation of organ damage and possible drug toxicology.
SenomiR , under development will be used for testing cellular senescence. If successful this will have a wide range of use for the measurement of biological aging and could prove valuable in testing interventions against aging.
HepatomiR is designed to identify the presence of biomarkers of liver function and disease.
Among their leading biomarkers is the OsteomiR® Test: This test identifies circulating microRNA biomarkers to predict fracture risk in post-menopausal women and aged men. It aims to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis to prevent severe fractures.
Future Expansion
TAmiRNA is also developing early-stage projects in liver disease, cancer, and aging, and is actively seeking to expand its product and technology pipeline through in-licensing of intellectual property from academia and industry.