
Lifespan.io – Join Us: Become a Lifespan Hero!

We are building public awareness and access to innovative treatments for controlling aging and age-related diseases!

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  • $3,831 of $5,000

    per month
  • At this level of support you have already helped us raise OVER 400k FOR RESEARCH projects, build the most-trafficked NEWS OUTLET on longevity research and social media community of over 150,000 members, and engage the public in this critical work with CONFERENCES, YOUTUBE COLLABORATIONS, and TOOLS for researchers, investors, and the press. Thank you!

  • 184


Join Us — Be The Lifespan!

Here at Lifespan.io, we are accelerating research to help extend healthy human lifespan, and thanks to our community here, we’ve done amazing work already: informing the public by building the largest longevity-focused news platform and network in the world, raising over $750,000 for companies and nonprofits working to overcome age-related disease, and addressing key societal issues being faced by our aging population.

We are growing fast and have accomplished much, but when it comes to the diseases of aging, every second counts. Together we can go so much further

Become a Lifespan Hero by supporting us with monthly contributions, which will allow us to not only fund more research and initiatives but also offer meaningful community rewards.

Thanks to your support, we’ve already pushed the needle of aging research forward in several ways, including: 

  • Raising over $750,000 for novel aging-focused research projects.
  • Building the most-trafficked news outlet on longevity research and a corresponding social media community of over 200,000 members.
  • Created the Longevity Investor Network to help connect the most credible and impactful scientists and investors in the field. 
  • Engaged the public, press, and policymakers with conferences and events, as well as large-scale YouTube collaborations with top-tier content creators. 

With your continued support, Lifespan.io can continue to grow as a media platform and community hub, allowing us all to interact and collaborate more effectively together, as well as run additional and more successful crowdsourcing campaigns
We have begun running our own in-house research projects, investigating critical knowledge gaps in the fight against aging and the results of which will be open source. We are also building new crowdsourcing elements into Lifespan.io, which may help create new models for clinical trials suited to the modern age.
Your support will also allow us to continue to collaborate with top-tier YouTube creators like Kurzgesagt and our very own Life Noggin to make outstanding video content. If we can get to $20,000 a month, we will also be able to produce large-scale outreach projects such as a feature-length documentary movie designed to engage celebrities, policymakers, and the broader public in this critical work, helping to build a thriving longevity biotech industry.

In addition to these community rewards, we’ll also acknowledge you directly with perks related to your monthly donation level, named after key moments from The Epic of Gilgamesh — humanity’s first great work of literature that is all about this quest to remain healthy with time:
Gateway Level
$10 Monthly
Unlimited Access to our ongoing daily News Content, ability to participate in our live-streamed Monthly Longevity Journal Club, and official recognition of your support on our Special Thank You Page created specifically to honor true heroes like you, networking server, and your Lifespan.io profile.

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Cedar Level
$25 Monthly
Everything Above + Participatory access to Industry-Focused Webinars and Virtual Events where you can ask questions and discuss the field of aging with researchers, investors, and other supporters like you. You will also receive Discounts on our physical events and Conferences.

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Mountain Level
$50 Monthly

Everything Above + Increased visibility and Networking Features, such as Logo and Website Link of your choice included in your thank you page entry and profile. If you want to raise awareness for organizations related to our cause or showcase your work, here is one way to share your voice.
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Ocean Level
$100 Monthly

Everything Above + Exclusive Editorial Feature Content focused on the analysis of key trends and updates in the field, as well as an Annual 1-On-1 Call with LEAF President Keith Comito, or another LEAF board member of your choice, to discuss our work and the future of aging research.
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Lycium Level
$1,000 Monthly

Everything Above + ability to Suggest Topics for our featured editorial content, as well as have a Monthly 1-On-1 Call with LEAF President Keith Comito or another LEAF board member of your choice. If you visit New York City, we will also treat you to dinner once per year to discuss the goals and science of healthy human life extension.
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Every day over 100,000 people die of age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and cancer. Together we can fight this; together, we can be Heroes.


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  • Select this reward

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    Reward 1
    132 Backers

    | GATEWAY | - UNLIMITED ACCESS to our ongoing daily NEWS CONTENT, ability to participate in our live-streamed MONTHLY LONGEVITY JOURNAL CLUB, and official recognition of your support on our special THANK YOU PAGE, networking server, and your Lifespan.io profile. Thank You!

    Pledge $10
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    Reward 2
    29 Backers

    | CEDAR | — Everything Above + DISCOUNTS on INDUSTRY FOCUSED WEBINARS and VIRTUAL EVENTS where you can ask questions and discuss the field of aging with researchers, investors, and other supporters like you. You will also receive discounts on our physical events and CONFERENCES.

    Pledge $25
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    Reward 3
    14 Backers

    | MOUNTAIN | - Everything Above + increased visibility and NETWORKING FEATURES, such as LOGO and WEBSITE LINK of your choice included in your thank you page entry and profile. If you want to raise awareness for organizations related to our cause or showcase your work, here is one way to share your voice.

    Pledge $50
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    Reward 4
    10 Backers

    | OCEAN | - Everything Above + EXCLUSIVE EDITORIAL FEATURE CONTENT focused on the analysis of key trends and updates in the field, as well as an ANNUAL 1-ON-1 CALL with LEAF President Keith Comito, or other LEAF board member of your choice, to discuss our work and the future of aging research.

    Pledge $100
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    Reward 5
    0 Backers

    | LYCIUM | - Everything Above + ability to SUGGEST TOPICS for our featured editorial content, as well as MONTHLY 1-ON-1 CALL with LEAF President Keith Comito, or other LEAF board member of your choice. If you visit New York City, we will also treat you to dinner once per year to discuss the goals and science of healthy human life extension.

    Pledge $1,000

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