
Tag: Conference

Longevity Summit Dublin
The annual Longevity Summit Dublin happened this June, and we are bringing you the highlights. Initiated by Aubrey de Grey and Martin O’Dea in 2022, this conference has earned a reputation for combining scientific depth with just the right amount of quirkiness over full four days of talks, panels, and late-night networking. One of the...
Spring is in the air if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, and in the theme of new growth, let’s see what the Lifespan.io team has been up to recently. Happy Birthday to Lifespan.io Today, March 21st, it is our birthday, and we celebrate 10 years of supporting rejuvenation research. Lifespan.io President Keith Comito said,...
Vitalia, the longevity pop-up city that came into being earlier this year on the island of Roatan off the coast of Honduras, was a first-of-its-kind event that we will more extensively cover later. Today, we are happy to present a roundup of the talks from the longevity biology conference held in Vitalia on the 23rd...
Keith at Zuzalu
Lifespan.io president Keith Comito presenting in Zuzalu. Photo: Arkadi Mazin While the format of this conference was rather conventional, the venue was anything but. It was held in Zuzalu, which can't be found on any map. Zuzalu is a unique “pop-up city” conceived by the tech entrepreneur Vitalik Buterin, creator of Ethereum, and a group...
Lifespan.io Editorial
As a non-profit organization, our goal is to engage and educate the public about the potential of rejuvenation and a world in which age-related diseases are a thing of the past. With that in mind, this is the ideal opportunity to tell you about some of the exciting things that we have done recently and...
Aubrey de Grey
We recently caught up with Dr. Aubrey de Grey and talked to him about the upcoming Dublin Longevity Summit and how things are looking on the advocacy landscape. Hi Aubrey, great to see that you are the co-organizer and a keynote speaker at the Longevity Summit Dublin 2022, an all-new conference happening on September 18th...