
Search Results for: deregulated nutrient sensing

Buff old man
A study published in Aging Cell has reported that older people with better regulated autophagy in their skeletal muscles have less age-related frailty. Taking out the trash What is Autophagy?Autophagy, derived from ancient Greek, means "eating of self". Autophagy is the way cells break down misbehaving or nonfunctional organelles and proteins in the cell. This...
Researchers have analyzed the activity of genes in the livers, kidneys, and brains of over a hundred mammals and found genes that are consistently associated with longevity [1]. The search for longevity-associated genes Between the shortest-living and the longest-living mammal, there is a more than 100-fold difference in lifespan. This natural difference may be key...
Lustgarten Microbial Burden
Dr. Michael Lustgarten delivers a clear and enlightening exploration of the intricate relationship between microbial burden and aging in Microbial Burden: A Major Cause of Aging and Age-Related Disease and What We Can Do to Fight Back! Through meticulous research and compelling analysis, the author sheds light on the profound impact of microbial burden and...
Enlarged heart
A paper published today in Nature Cardiovascular Research has explained a relationship between dilated cardiac myopathy (DCM), epigenetic dysregulation, NAD+, and the epigenetic regulatory molecule Kdm8. A gradual decline of ability DCM occurs when the left ventricle of the heart becomes enlarged and loses its ability to pump enough blood. The heart muscle gradually thins,...
The year 2023 started with the publication of two remarkable review papers in Cell and Cell Metabolism by researchers addressing the hallmarks of aging and their interplay with the hallmarks of cancer [1,2]. These papers were authored by the same team that published the original 2013 Hallmarks of Aging paper [3]. The Reasons We Age...
Needle in a haystack
Researchers publishing in Nature Communications have determined that interventions that extend lifespan in mice may not have significant effects on the processes of aging. Improvement is not the same as slowing decline The researchers begin this paper by noting that previous studies have outlined a broad variety of dietary, environmental, and genetic factors that are...
Antique clock
Scientists have shown that only some of the hallmarks of aging affect methylation clocks that are used to measure biological age [1]. The big black box Epigenetic clocks that measure biological age based on aging-related changes in genome methylation have been a great success. They enable researchers to analyze the effects of various interventions on...
Publishing in Aging, a team of researchers has discovered how puerarin, an extract of kudzu, ameliorates chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) signs in cellular cultures by limiting mitophagy: the consumption of mitochondria by cells. When autophagy isn't a good thing Mitophagy is a subset of autophagy, the consumption of any organelle by a cell. This...
Diabetes Heart
The latest research published in Diabetes has implicated senescent cardiac stem cells as the link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease [1]. Why does diabetes increase the risk of cardiovascular disease? Type 2 diabetes mellitus is closely related to aging. Aging is a major risk factor for diabetes, and individuals with diabetes exhibit several characteristics of...
A new publication in Nature Aging has investigated the role of the gut bacteria Bifidobacterium adolescentis in aging and longevity. The Gut Microbiome and AgingThe gut microbiome is a complex and ever-changing ecosystem populated by a myriad of archaea, eukarya, viruses, and bacteria. Four microbial phyla, Firmicutes, Bacteroides, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria, make up 98% of...