
Search Results for: gitcoin

Longevity Desci Recap May 2024
In this latest edition of the Longevity and DeSci Recap, we’ll take a look back at May’s events, research, and investments to give you the latest update on what’s going on in the Longevity and DeSci world. As the weather is heating up, so too are events surrounding longevity. Not only are there four great...
Decentralized Autonomous Organization
VitaDAO, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), has launched its first biotech, Matrix Biosciences. This is a real milestone for new models of funding for the scientific community. The launch is in collaboration with Vera Gorbunova from the University of Rochester's Aging Research Center and is well-known in the field for her work with naked mole...
Overcoming Age-Related Diseases
  If you want to contribute to Lifespan.io and use cryptocurrency, there is a great opportunity happening right now to support our work! Donate to help us solve aging We promote the advancement of medical technologies that will increase healthy human longevity. By sponsoring, democratizing, and funding aging research, combined with responsible journalism, we aim...
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are decentralized autonomous alternatives to traditional, centralized organizations. Currently estimated at having a total value of $24.3 billion, $21 billion of which is liquid assets, the DAO ecosystem is showing signs of growth. This may allow these organizations to develop new governance strategies and target real-world challenges. As of April 2023,...
Rejuvenation Roundup April
As the second month of spring, April is often associated with rebirth, and we've added rejuvenation to the mix with cryptocurrency donation initiatives, biotechnology company progress, and plenty of science. LEAF News A Busy Spring for Rejuvenation Research and Advocacy: Lifespan.io's birthday was in April, and we proudly celebrated nine years of being a non-profit...
Gitcoin Funding
We have two scientific research projects in the new Gitcoin fundraising round. Help us to combat Alzheimer's disease or improve how clinical trials are conducted today! An alternative way to fund science Gitcoin is a decentralized science (DeSci) platform that utilizes blockchain technology to support the development of open-source projects using Web3 technologies, with the...
For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, spring has finally arrived, and with it, we have lots of news to share with you! Happy birthday to us! That’s right, folks, it's our birthday, and we are celebrating nine years of being a non-profit organization that advocates, educates, and fundraises for healthy life extension and...
Victory cup
On January 22nd, hack-age won the 2023 LongHack competition, which carried a grand prize of 5,500 VITA and 3,500 USD. Lifespan.io caught up with the team behind the winning project to learn more about their idea and their experience competing in the hackathon. What is LongHack? LongHack is a hackathon organized by VitaDAO and its...
Lifespan.io Editorial
As a non-profit organization, our goal is to engage and educate the public about the potential of rejuvenation and a world in which age-related diseases are a thing of the past. With that in mind, this is the ideal opportunity to tell you about some of the exciting things that we have done recently and...
LSN Longevity Prize
The Longevity Prize is a series of prizes designed to honor the researchers who are helping to build a future in which age-related diseases are a thing of the past. This new initiative aims to accelerate progress in the rejuvenation biotechnology field and encourage innovation. While great strides in our understanding of aging have been...

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Gitcoin logo.
Gitcoin is a platform dedicated to supporting and growing the open-source software that will likely serve as the foundation of Web3. The Gitcoin crypto platform launched in 2017 to foster collaboration on open-source initiatives by incentivizing developers to take on projects with payments and grants. Gitcoin focuses on funding “public goods” projects that are intended...