
Tag: Aubrey de Grey

Open Longevity Debate
In a much-anticipated debate, prominent aging researchers Aubrey de Grey and Peter Fedichev presented their competing, but also overlapping, theories. Gentlemen, draw your laser pointers! When the non-profits Foresight Institute, Open Longevity, and Say Forever had the idea to hold debates on the best strategy to defeat aging, there was little question about whom they...
David Barzilai
A prolific anonymous poster who became popular in the longevity community has revealed his identity, and other longevity luminaries have chimed in. The anonym Anonymity is seldom practiced in the longevity community. Everyone knows everyone, and on social media, most people use their real names rather than cloak themselves behind handles. Of course, for every...
Longevity Summit Dublin Logo
Last year’s inaugural Longevity Summit Dublin conference was a good start. Its second iteration, held in August this year, was universally acclaimed for being even bigger and better. Just like the last time, this conference was marked by a considerable presence of longevity advocates alongside scientists and entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, Lifespan.io executive director Stephanie Dainow, who...
Dublin Longevity Declaration
The Dublin Longevity Declaration, an unprecedented initiative that aims to change humanity’s perception of aging, is scooping signatures at a record pace. The need for a paradigm shift Last August, hundreds of longevity enthusiasts, from certified geroscience stars to graduate students, gathered in Dublin for the annual Longevity Summit conference. As the attendants were enjoying...
Zuzalu Lighthouse
  Sometime in the early spring of 2023, rumors began to circulate in the longevity community. “Hey, have you heard about this thing going on in Montenegro? It’s called Zazulu… No, Zuzalu! You should definitely check it out.” The tight-lipped description on the website didn’t explain much, but the words “pop-up city” teased imagination. Then,...
Aubrey de Grey LEVF
Dr. Aubrey de Grey is a legend in the longevity field who has been steadfastly promoting the idea of life extension since well before it became mainstream. While with SENS Research Foundation, de Grey made significant contributions to geroscience, and at Longevity Summit Dublin last year, he announced the creation of his new brainchild, Longevity...