
Month: October 2017

Serge Faguet is a Russian entrepreneur, the owner of a profitable travel company, Ostrovok, and the founder of several tech startups, including a new secret, AI-related one in Silicon Valley. For the last few weeks, his name has been all over the internet because of the article “I’m 32 and spent $200k on biohacking. Became...
The potential of the immune system to help repair tissue, including for peripheral nerve damage, Atherosclerosis, and Parkinson’s is considerable. Immune cells not only fight infection; as this new study shows, they also help the nervous system remove debris, paving the way for nerve regeneration following injury. While previous studies suggested that nerve cell damage repair...
Recently, we have explored the benefits that rejuvenation biotechnologies promise to bring to ourselves and the people close to us. I would imagine that most people have no difficulty acknowledging these benefits, but even so, many people tend to focus on potential large-scale downsides of rejuvenation while neglecting entirely its benefits on society at large....
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We have been hard at work advocating, writing and supporting the development of life extension technologies, or as we call them, rejuvenation biotechnologies. During the course of our activities, we have found that many people new to the topic have lots of questions and are naturally curious about the science behind it. As great as...
There has been an increase in the level of interest in the field of rejuvenation biotechnology over the last few years. The recent entry of senolytic therapies that clear senescent cells from the body into human clinical trials have spurred even more interest in the field of late. Today we wanted to highlight three very...
As I wrote in a different article, rejuvenation biotechnology promises a range of benefits for individuals. Lest anyone thinks that’s all rejuvenation has to offer, I reckon it’s worth discussing other ways that this technology would benefit larger groups of people—namely, your friends and family. If you are rejuvenated, that’s all good for you, but...