June 14, 2024
In a randomized, controlled trial in humans, scientists have demonstrated that a multimodal lifestyle intervention consisting of a vegan diet, exercise, supplements, and stress management can improve the symptoms of Alzheimer's [1]. Can we roll it back? Despite billions of dollars invested in finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), progress has been frustratingly slow....
February 21, 2024
A systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Lancet suggests that more years of education is linked to reduced all-cause mortality in adults [1]. Benefits of education Educational attainment is associated with better health and improvements in some measurements of mortality. One example is parental education. Research has found that each year of paternal education...
February 20, 2024
A new study has reported that adopting more healthy lifestyle habits continuously lowers mortality risk, resulting in many years of added life expectancy [1]. The magnificent eight Lead a healthy lifestyle, and you will live longer. This sounds trivial, but it is important for geroscience to quantify just how much lifespan extension is associated with...
November 07, 2023
A new review summarizes our knowledge about lifestyle interventions, such as exercise, healthy diet, and good sleep, that can possibly reduce cellular senescence [1]. What do we do with a senescent cell? Why We Age: Cellular SenescenceAs your body ages, more of your cells become senescent. Senescent cells do not divide or support the tissues...
November 03, 2023
A new study has found that higher levels of long-term alcohol consumption are associated with a larger gap between the person’s biological and chronological age, but not in the young [1]. Don’t drink and age It is common knowledge that excessive drinking can be quite harmful [2], but previous research has suggested a horseshoe-like relationship,...
October 23, 2023
A new preprint suggests that continuous sleep disruption might drive health problems via increased cellular senescence in visceral fat tissue [1]. Sleep and health Until recently, the impact of sleep on human health was largely overlooked, including for healthcare professionals who work long hours. Now, scientists are beginning to understand that impaired sleep quality drives...