
SENS Research Foundation Announces Ending Aging Forum 2022

Sept 2 - Sept 3 9:00 am to 2:30 pm PDT

Ending AgingEnding Aging

SENS Research Foundation has announced this year’s Ending Aging Forum, which will be held through a virtual conference platform with an immersive environment.

Come spend a wonderful and thought provoking time with the team at SENS Research Foundation. This virtual event is your opportunity to hear first-hand about the latest advances that our in-house researchers are making toward new rejuvenation biotechnologies, along with some of our young scientists-in-training and outside researchers whose research we fund. In addition to the formal presentations, you’ll have the opportunity to talk one-on-one with the scientists and other members of our team, as well as with citizens, donors, and activists who dream of and work for a future free of degenerative aging.

Breaking down the barriers to attendance, the Forum will be hosted virtually through EXVO, a strong platform for this VR experience. Registered attendees will receive instructions on how to join the conversation shortly before the event begins. The virtual event will have a Conference Hall, where feature presentations are made, along with project-specific Research Booths and booths for scientific posters presented by our students that break down different research projects. In the Expo Room, attendees can also meet and talk one-on-one or in small groups with the team and other supporters, or watch videos in which our team members and scientists-in-training introduce themselves and what drew them to this Mission. The platform dispenses with the tedium of navigating your avatar around the event space and also giving you the power to ‘teleport’ from one virtual location to another. Join us to learn and celebrate how far we’ve come, and to catch a glimpse of the future we’re building!

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