
Edward A. Layne, M.D.

About Edward A. Layne, M.D. Dr. Layne attended college at Harvard University. He graduated from Tulane Medical School in and did post-graduate training in Internal Medicine at Harvard Medical School.  Dr. Layne served as health services Director of the Georgetown University Community Health Plan in Washington DC, before moving to Atlanta in 1980 to help Dr. Louis Sullivan start the Clinical Division of the new Morehouse School of Medicine, the only minority Medical School to be founded in the US in the twentieth century.  Dr. Layne served as Director of Clinical Medicine of the new medical school and maintains an international referral practice in Digestive Diseases and Nutrition and Integrative Medicine.   In addition to Gastroenterology, Dr. Layne’s main areas of interest are Healthy Aging, “Integrative Medicine”, and the role of Nutrition in Cancer prevention and Cancer treatment. In his role as Sr. Vice President of Clinical Affairs for My Preventive Health LLC, Dr. Layne continues to work with an international team of computer engineers and physicians, to develop web-based global platforms for sharing information on Preventive Health. Dr. Layne served as the Honorary for Barbados Consul at Atlanta for more than 20 years and is a co-founder of the Association of African-Caribbean Consular Corps.  Dr. Layne was recently honored by the government of Barbados with The Silver Crown Of Merit (S.C.M.) Award for his work with the Caribbean Community and by the Picture of Health Foundation for his work in the area of Preventive Health.

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